Kitchen garden
Château de Miromesnil
The next day we started the trip properly and our first visit was to Château de Miromesnil. It’s a beautiful castle with a splendid kitchen garden. It is also one of the places I visited when I was a student and went to Normandy for the first time. On that trip I stayed with my godmother who lives in Normandy for almost half the year. I have loved great kitchen gardens since my first visit and the one at Miromesnil is a truly wonderful classic potager. I saw it then in August so it was a little different to see it in May this time. Interesting though, this time around it…
Rainy Days
Some years ago when we had horrible droughts, I swore I would never complain about rain. I’m not sure I made the distinction “during the summer”, but that was my intention. I didn’t complain about the rain this summer either, it was very nice to see everything grow with such vigor and I’m looking forward to some nice flowering next spring. For example the azaleas, the rhododendron and my magnolias all look like they have set a record amount of buds. So that is excellent, however, this autumn rain that we have had in the last weeks is getting a bit old. It is very wet and there are some…
Garden Glory
Garden Glory or to be more exact Gloria Garden (in Finnish: Gloria puutarha), the magazine, was published today. The Glory part is that the magazine features 34 pages by me and my colleague and fantastic garden photographer Hanna Marttinen! There is a 10 page story about me and my kitchen garden and 3 other stories about some really interesting gardens and gardeners. I really recommend buying an issue 😉 Tänään ilmestyi upouusi ja hieno Gloria puutarha-lehti. Omasta näkökulmastani on hienoa että lehdessä on minun ja loistavan puutarhavalokuvaajan ja hyvän ystäväni ja työtoverini Hanna Marttisen tuotantoa peräti 34 sivun verran! Lehdessä on 10 sivun juttu keittiöpuutarhastani ja kolme muuta juttua hienoista…
The Nicer Part of November
I still have a few shots left over from November. My dilemma right now is that I want at least one nice garden picture from this month that looks suitably “Decemberish”. I’ve made a garden calendar (mostly for my mom) for the past years and finding a picture for December has always been the hardest. These November pics frankly look more “Octoberish”! But I’m not complaining about the relative warmth! Minulla on vielä vähän kuvia marraskuulta. Ongelmani on tällä hetkellä että tarvitsisin ainakin yhden hyvän joulukuisen kuvan puutarhasta. Olen viime vuosina tehnyt (lähinnä äidille joululahjaksi) puutarhakalenterin ja joulukuuhun on aina ollut vaikeinta saada kuva. Nämäkin marraskuiset kuvat näyttävät melko lokakuisilta!…
Babe and Pumpkins
This is no record breaker, but a personal best for me. The large one weighs 36,3 kg (80 lb and 0.44 oz), the small one 9,7 kg (21 lb and 6.15 oz) and Babe something in between ;-P The seeds are ‘Atlantic Giant’, unfortunately I was kind of late in planting my seedlings, but we had a good summer which helped a lot. Are there any other growers out there? Kurpitsani ei riko mitään ennätyksiä, paitsi oman ennätykseni. Se iso painaa 36,3 kg ja se pieni 9,7 kg, Babe painaa jotain siitä välistä ;-P Siemenet ovat “Atlantin Jättiä”, istutin ne aika myöhään, mutta kesä oli hyvä joten ne kasvoivat kuitenkin aika…