Until Spring Gets Here
There are very few signs of spring here, so this is to ease the wait. The video above introduced Kekkilä’s (Hasselfors Garden’s in Sweden) Home & Garden products in 2010 and was shot in my garden in 2009. Koska keväästä ei pahemmin ole mitään merkkejä, lisään tämän videon odotuksen helpotukseksi. Postauksen video esitteli 2010 Kekkilän (Ruotsissa Hasselfors Garden brändi) uusia Koti & Piha tuotteita ja se kuvattiin minun puutarhassa 2009. Eftersom det inte syns särskilt mycket vårtecken, lägger jag in den här videon för att underlätta väntningen. Videon introducerade 2010 Kekkiläs (Hasselfors Gardens i Sverige) nya Hem & Trädgård produkter och den filmades i min trädgård 2009.
Nordic Gardens – Nordiska Trädgårdar
I’m going to switch things up today and write mostly in Swedish and summarize in English and Finnish, after all it’s about a trip to Stockholm. Jag besökte Nordiska trädgårdar på Stockholmsmässan i lördags med min mamma. Det var en trevlig färd, vi har ganska ofta varit på trädgårdsmässor tillsammans och det var ett tag sen vi besökt någon svensk mässa. Den här gången fanns det ett par bonus: jag träffade mina svenska kolleger på Hasselfors Garden och jag fick träffa en glad samling trädgårdsbloggare. Hasselfors Gardens avdelning. På Allt om Trädgårds avdelning var det träff (notera Hasselfors Gardens Trädgårdslider och Odlingsbänkar…) 😉 Jag var bekant med en del av…
The Best Book Party Ever
Okay, the only book party I’ve ever been to, but it was for the best book in my gardening life. Two of my fellow graduates from gardening school, Stina Pyrrö (text) and Hanna Marttinen (pictures) have made a beautiful and resourceful book, “Puutarhan vihreä vuosi“, together that was just recently published. They arranged a launch party and were nice enough to invite me. The pictures, the text and the layout work together in a beautiful way. It’s my hand in the picture touching a ‘White Triumphator’ tulip among Phalaris arundinacea ‘Picta’ in my garden. I love the realness of this book; ordinary things become beautiful when they are genuinely captured. No…
Gardens Illustrated has Gone Commercial
The new cover in the middle, two old quite un-commercial favorites on each side, the one on the right is from before BBC took over. Gardens Illustrated has Gone Commercial…. But only in comparison to itself. Gardens Illustrated is another one of my absolute favorite gardening magazines besides Garden Design. Gardens Illustrated started out in gardening a little before me, my first issue seems to be the 1996/1997 December January issue, nr 23. Within a year of reading it I was a subscriber. I took a break at subscribing at some point, actually because I was annoyed at how un-commercial it was at that point. Even though I’m heavily into gardening…
The Garden’s Green Year
The title of the post is a clumsy translation of a new gardening book by two of my old classmates and good friends from gardening school. I’m very proud of them, Stina Pyrrö, the author, was a reporter even before she came to gardening school and Hanna Marttinen, the photographer, did the same thing I did, i.e. studied some more after gardening school; in her case photography. Hanna is a fantastic photographer as well as one of my best friends and I’ve worked with her both in my day job and doing freelance work. Some of the pictures in the book have been previously published, which is why I’m in…