
  • events,  travel

    Plenty of Peonies

    My two days at the peony festival in Luoyang are now behind me. The weather was splendid and the peonies were flowering their hearts out. The festival is a big deal for the Chinese, but there were not a lot of Westerners besides our group. This meant that we were asked to pose in plenty of pictures with the Chinese; overall the Chinese were very interested in taking pictures of each other and occasionally less of the flowers themselves. I, and my friends on the other hand have by now amassed around a thousand pictures each, and most of them are of peonies.. So, these are just a few I picked…

  • travel

    Greetings from the Wall

    I’ve been in China for a few days now and I’ve seen touristy stuff such as the Great Wall. The wild peaches flowered everywhere. On the ride to Xi’an Paulownia tomentosa, the Empress tree started to make a show and now that I’m in Luoyang it’s going to be peonies all around. I’ll get back to them and a lot else. Terveisiä Kiinasta, jossa olen viettänyt muutaman päivän. Olen toistaiseksi käynyt aika turistikohteissa, kuten Kiinan muurilla. Siellä villit persikkapuut kukkivat valtoimenaan. Matkalla Xi’aniin keisarinpuu, Paulownia tomentosa, pisti shown päälle ja nyt kun olen Luoyangissa pionit ovat vuorossa. Kirjoittelen myöhemmin niistä ja monista muista jutuista. Hälsningar från Kina där jag varit…

  • events,  shopping,  travel

    Fair Loot

    One of the main reasons for visiting a garden fair is always the potential loot. Pictured here are two newly repotted geraniums, Pelargonium sidoides and P.’Minstrel Boy’. Both dark red. En av det viktigaste grejerna med trädgårdsmässor är ju givetvis bytet: här syns två nyplanterade småplantor av Pelargonium sidoides och en av två P. ’Minstrel Boy’. Puutarhamessujen vierailuihin on olemassa muutama tärkeä syy ja yksi niistä on ehdottomasti saalistaminen. Yllä pikkutaimina hankitut Pelargonium sidoides  (2 kpl) ja P. ’Minstrel Boy’. Fuchsias: 12 all in all, 2 each of 6 different varieties. Mostly with fairly small flowers. Det ska bli ett fuchsiaår för min del: 12 sticklingar (2 st av 6 olika sorter)…

  • events,  indoor,  media,  travel

    Nordic Gardens – Nordiska Trädgårdar

    I’m going to switch things up today and write mostly in Swedish and summarize in English and Finnish, after all it’s about a trip to Stockholm. Jag besökte Nordiska trädgårdar på Stockholmsmässan i lördags med min mamma. Det var en trevlig färd, vi har ganska ofta varit på trädgårdsmässor tillsammans och det var ett tag sen vi besökt någon svensk mässa. Den här gången fanns det ett par bonus: jag träffade mina svenska kolleger på Hasselfors Garden och jag fick träffa en glad samling trädgårdsbloggare. Hasselfors Gardens avdelning. På Allt om Trädgårds avdelning var det träff (notera Hasselfors Gardens Trädgårdslider och Odlingsbänkar…) 😉 Jag var bekant med en del av…

  • travel,  winter

    Still Winter

    The view from an office building in Varkaus. I was on a business trip to Varkaus, a city some 300 km northeast of Helsinki, earlier this week. It was a bit of a shock temperature wise, it has finally started to thaw a bit around here and I had left out my second layer of wool clothes and my cap. However, when we landed in Varkaus with my colleague it was -18° C! It started to warm up quite nicely and by the time we got to the Navitas office complex and had set up we managed to get out for a few minutes as the sun was clearing through the…