Faking Spring
I’ve been very busy indoors this winter, I’ve remodeled my home quite a bit and gardening has taken a back step (well, there are meters of snow outside so it was necessary). Finally this weekend we had some lovely sunshine and the first signs of spring could be seen in my greenhouse. Viola koreana ‘Sylvetta’ is the star of these pictures. Olen ollut melko kiireinen sisätiloissa tämän talven aika. Olen remontoinut oikein urakalla ja puutarhanhoito on luonnollisesti jäänyt hiukan taka-alalle (toisaalta metrin kinokset nyt ihan pakottivatkin siihen). Lopultakin, tämän ihanan aurinkoisen viikonlopun aikana, näin ensimmäiset kevään merkit kasvihuoneessani. Kuvien kaunotar on Viola koreana ‘Sylvetta’. Jag har varit rätt upptagen inomhus…
This Year Illustrates the Next
As in I made a calendar for 2012 based on pictures taken this year. I’ve made calendars before, but this year it was surprisingly easy as I’ve taken a lot of pictures for this blog. The masses of snow last winter made for some pretty pictures and then the summer was rainy enough for some good growth and nothing really got scorched. The fall was long and warm so all in all it was a pretty good year for the garden! Otsikko “Tämä vuosi kuvittaa seuraavan” viittaa siihen että olen tehnyt seinäkalenterin vuodelle 2012 tämän vuoden kuvista. Olen tehnyt kalentereita aikaisemminkin, mutta tänä vuonna se oli yllättävän helppoa koska olen…
A Future Sunset Part 2
The pictures were starting to pile up on my last post, so I decided to divide it into three parts. This is about the plants that I plan to include in my sunset border next year. Niitä kuvia alkoi olla aika hurjan paljon liittyen siihen mun edelliseen postaukseen, joten päätin jakaa sen kolmeen. Tässä siis taas kuvia niistä kukista joita suunnittelen minun auringonlaskupenkkiini ensi vuonna. Det började bli ganska mycket bilder i mitt förra inlägg, så jag beslöt att dela upp det i tre delar. Här följer alltså bilder som jag tänker ha i min solnedgångsrabatt som jag planerar att anlägga nästa år. In the first picture: I might consider…
Bulb Relief
I’m up to my neck in pitches, bureaucracies and php-something or others that leave me scratching my head, so it really felt like a mini-vacation to take a look at some garden pictures and order a few more bulbs. I’m ordering more of the same and getting a few novelties, all from Verberghe (eurobulb.nl) that would be quite affordable, but still costs a bit when you order up to 50 of the same sort 😉 I can’t live without my Phalaris arundinacea ‘Picta’ and ‘White Triumphator’ tulips, so even though I still have some I’m stocking up just in case. The narcissi are old favorites as well, except ‘Stainless’ that…
My Magnificent Magnolia
The picture above is my entry for the Picture This Contest on Gardening Gone Wild. I have Right Click inabled here, so THIS is a link to a downloadable picture. Magnolias are border line hardy in my neck of the woods, so this Magnolia kobus var. borealis that I bought in Sweden and planted in 2002 is a particular darling of mine. This year it is flowering with around a hundred flowers and it smells deliciously. While I took this picture I could hear the sound of a hundred thousand hockey fans celebrating (in the very very far distance) the Finnish Ice Hockey World Championship gold at the market square…