Oh Åland Part 3
As promised, the last garden and shopping on Åland with my fellow members of Blomsterodlingens vänner. Ahvenanmaan viikonloppuni viimeinen puutarha ja shoppailua muiden Blomsterodlingens vänner:eitten kanssa. Mitt veckoslut på Åland med Blomsterodlingens vänner inkluderade ännu en trädgård och shopping! In the picture above / kuvassa yllä / på bilden ovan: a beautiful Geranium collection from the last garden / kaunis pelargonikokoelma viimeisestä puutarhasta / en vacker pelargonsamling från den sista trädgården. Could that be / voisiko siinä olla / kan det vara Hosta ’Krossa Regal’? + Dianthus barbatus & Lamium sp. A nice citrus tree + peonies / sitruspuu ja hieno pionipenkki / ett citrusträd och en vacker pionrabatt Really…
Oh Åland Part 2
My weekend in Åland with my fellow members of Blomsterodlingens vänner, included three more private gardens that occasionally and by appointment open their doors. A common denominator seemed to be an appreciation of Fuchsias and two out of the three gardens had a really good Kolkwitzia amabilis in flower. The Kolkwitzia is one of those shrubs that really benefit from just that ½ zone of a milder climate. I have two, but they have barely flowered a little bit. To their defense, I have to say that they are probably planted where there is a bit too much shade. Full sun seems to work best. Ahvenanmaan viikonloppuni Blomsterodlingens vänner:eitten kanssa sisälsi vielä…
Oh, Åland Part 1
Oh, Åland indeed, Åland [ˈoːland], the small group of islands between Finland and Sweden which are a bit special and very beautiful. I visited the islands with Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVarna, and as my friends in that club are most likely to read this post, I am going to write mostly in Swedish for a change 🙂 Kävin Ahvenanmaalla Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVareitten kanssa, joten oletan että minulla olisi tähän enimmäkseen kiinnostuneita lukijoita ruotsiksi joten jatkan sillä 🙂 Jag besökte alltså Åland med Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVarna, för litet mer än en vecka sedan. Det var Bovarnas årliga trädgårdsresa för i år som den här gången gick inrikes. Vartannat år reser…
Still Iris
Why not enjoy some more iris while they look so good.. ‘Jane Phillips’ in flower to begin with Vielä vähän kurjenmiekkoja kun ne näyttävät niin kauniilta.. ‘Jane Phillips’ kukassa siinä ensimmäisenä. Ännu mer iris medan de är säsong för dem och de ser bra ut.. ‘Jane Phillips’ i blom allra först. Iris ruthenica Iris pseudacorus ‘Alba’ I’ve raised this one from seed, Iris sibirica “Plant World Hybrids”, it’s almost white. Tämä siperinakurjenmiekka on siemenkasvatettu Iris sibirica “Plant World Hybrids” siemenistä, sen on melkein valkoinen. Den här sibiriska irisen är frösådd från Iris sibirica “Plant World Hybrids” frön, den är nästan vit. This Iris pumila flowered a few weeks ago in my mother’s rockery.…
Early Peonies
Paeonia x arendsii ‘Mai Fleuri’ and my greenhouse. Someone might have garnered that I’m quite fond of peonies based on my trip to the Peony Festival back in April. It’s quite funny how truly northerly Finland is, since now on the 14th of June, the same plants that flowered in China flower over here. My wonderful tree peony Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Feng Dan Bai’ flowers right now with eight flowers, my newer tree peony (of uncertain lineage) will soon open at least one bud and the herbaceous ones; Paeonia x arendsii ‘Mai Fleuri’ and Paeonia emodi ‘Windflower’ have both shown their prettiest sides. Paeonia emodi ‘Windflower’ On ehkä ollut mahdollista arvata,…