Seed Catalogues 2011
I’m trying to keep my seed sowing within a reasonable range this year. I’ve made an inventory of old seeds that should still be viable, and I’m only ordering a sensible (in my mind) amount this year. I’m also trying to weed out (pun intended) the frugal and in the long run not so smart purchases, i.e. I’m going to buy plants or bulbs of certain plants that would be difficult and slow to raise from seed anyway. To keep things within limits this year, I’m only getting seeds from commercial sources as seed exchanges and seed lists from garden societies have the ability to make anyone go over the…
Stripped to their Bones
There hasn’t been a lot of opportunities to view the stark beauty of flowers in silhouette this winter – mainly because they are buried beneath a meter of snow this year. A few, by the sea where it has been windier have survived burial. In the picture above and beneath is a Sedum kamtschaticum with my dog. Tänä talvena sää eivät ole suosineet talven törröttäjien ihailemista, lähinnä sen takia että ne ovat enimmäkseen haudattuna metrisen lumikerroksen alle. Muutamat kasvit, kuten kuvien meren lähellä tuulisimmissa olosuhteissa kasvava kamtšatkanmaksaruoho näkyvät vielä. Ylemmässä kuvassa myös koirani. Den här vinter har man inte blivit bortskämd med att kunna beundra växter i vackra siluettformer, mest för att…