I’m Gardening on TV
I got a call yesterday and was asked to be on the Swedish speaking morning show Min Morgon. They were interested in current gardening tasks. It’s still very much winter here so it was either repotting, growing herbs indoors or starting plants from seed. I went with the two latter. I you are in Finland or use a VPN service like the ones my expat friends like you can see the show here until the 24th of February. I’m on at 14:40 minutes in and babble away for the next ten minutes. EDIT: You can’t see it anymore Minua pyydettiin eilen mukaan FST:n Min Morgon aamu-ohjelmaan. Heitä kiinnostivat ajankohtaiset puutarhatoimet.…
Garden Style
I was recently asked to be in the Finnish fashion magazine Gloria, in a feature where different people present their own style. Naturally a lot of my style, in the way I dress and decorate, has been influenced by my gardening interest. Mostly I’d say in terms of color, but perhaps also in terms of a certain stark simplicity that I appreciate in various objects. Gloria is a very nice magazine so it was an honor to be asked to appear. I think this is a suitable moment to reveal that I’ll also get in to detail about my kitchen garden in a special publication that is called Glorian puutarha…
Society Life
I’m a member of a lot of gardening societies and a bit involved in the administration of a few of them. The one I’m most involved in is Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland r.f. (“Friends of flower gardening in Finland”). The camera gardening blog has been slightly neglected because I’ve been overhauling Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland r.f.’s site. I’ve done it in a very similar manner as CG and it’s really a relief that it’s done. It might change a bit depending on the feedback, but this is it for now. You can visit it here. The first picture shows two of “The BOV’s” membership magazines; Lucida Handwriting is kind of…
Oh Åland Part 3
As promised, the last garden and shopping on Åland with my fellow members of Blomsterodlingens vänner. Ahvenanmaan viikonloppuni viimeinen puutarha ja shoppailua muiden Blomsterodlingens vänner:eitten kanssa. Mitt veckoslut på Åland med Blomsterodlingens vänner inkluderade ännu en trädgård och shopping! In the picture above / kuvassa yllä / på bilden ovan: a beautiful Geranium collection from the last garden / kaunis pelargonikokoelma viimeisestä puutarhasta / en vacker pelargonsamling från den sista trädgården. Could that be / voisiko siinä olla / kan det vara Hosta ’Krossa Regal’? + Dianthus barbatus & Lamium sp. A nice citrus tree + peonies / sitruspuu ja hieno pionipenkki / ett citrusträd och en vacker pionrabatt Really…
Oops, I’m on Video
I can’t seem to embed this, but on the magazine Koti ja Keittiös homepage, I’m talking about growing herbs and vegetables (in Finnish) on balconies and in small places. My part starts at 2:19. Hyötyviljely on kesän hitti – Edit: THE VIDEO CAN NO LONGER BE SEEN En saa tätä video sisennettyä tänne, mutta Koti ja Keittiön saitilla puhun yrttien ja vihannesten vilejystä parvekkeilla ja pienissä paikoissa. Osuuteni alkaa 2:19. Taisin ihan oikeasti välttyä “niinkun”-ilmaisuilta, tai sitten videota on vain leikattu hyvin 😉 Hyötyviljely on kesän hitti – Edit: VIDEO EI OLE ENÄÄ NÄHTÄVISSÄ Jag lyckas inte lägga in videon här, men på tidningen Koti ja Keittiös hemsida talar jag om odling på balkong och i…