Rainy Days
Some years ago when we had horrible droughts, I swore I would never complain about rain. I’m not sure I made the distinction “during the summer”, but that was my intention. I didn’t complain about the rain this summer either, it was very nice to see everything grow with such vigor and I’m looking forward to some nice flowering next spring. For example the azaleas, the rhododendron and my magnolias all look like they have set a record amount of buds. So that is excellent, however, this autumn rain that we have had in the last weeks is getting a bit old. It is very wet and there are some…
A Frozen New Year!
I’m wishing you a ”Happy New Year!” but frozen is what it’s turned out to be 😉 The sea was lightly frozen over today and we have a very light sprinkling of snow. I think I’d be alright with a month of mild winter now and then the snowdrops could start blooming in February, please… Toivotan kyllä teille “Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!”, mutta tämä päivä alkoi jäätyneellä kelillä. Meren vesi oli saanut ohuen jääpeitteen ja maahan oli satanut ihan pikkaisen lunta. Mulle sopisi nyt kuukausi leutoa talvea ja sitten helmikuussa lumikellot saisivat kukkia kiitos… Jag önskar er för all del ett ”Gott Nytt År!” men i något frusna tecken har det…