I’m Gardening on TV
I got a call yesterday and was asked to be on the Swedish speaking morning show Min Morgon. They were interested in current gardening tasks. It’s still very much winter here so it was either repotting, growing herbs indoors or starting plants from seed. I went with the two latter. I you are in Finland or use a VPN service like the ones my expat friends like you can see the show here until the 24th of February. I’m on at 14:40 minutes in and babble away for the next ten minutes. EDIT: You can’t see it anymore Minua pyydettiin eilen mukaan FST:n Min Morgon aamu-ohjelmaan. Heitä kiinnostivat ajankohtaiset puutarhatoimet.…
Some Sunset Plants on My Mind
I was considering a lot of plants for my future “Sunset border”( part 1, part 2, part 3) a while ago, those were not actually all the ones I considered, these also came up: Pohdin aika paljon erilaisia kasveja minun auringonlaskukukkapenkkiä ”( part 1, part 2, part 3) varten tuossa vähän aikaa sitten. Ne jotka luettelin eivät edes olleet ihan kaikki harkinnan alla olleet kasvit, nämäkin pääsivät harkintaan: Jag funderade faktiskt på ganska många olika växter för min kommande solnedgångsrabatt ” ( part 1, part 2, part 3) här för en tid sedan. De som jag räknade upp var inte ens alla, jag funderade också på dessa: In the first picture:…
Part of the Cosmos
Not very high-fly this time, I’m only professing my love for Cosmos bipinnatus 🙂 Cosmos –flowers are some of my all time favorite annuals, they are easy, they have a nice foliage and the flowers are oh so pretty. My favorite variety is ‘Collarette White’ (above), but there are several beautiful ones out there. Otsikko saattaa olla hiukan dramaattinen, mutta viittaa vain siihen miten paljon tykkään kosmoskukista 🙂 Kosmoskukat kuuluvat lempiyksivuotiskukkiini, ne ovat helppoja, niillä on kaunis lehdistö ja kukat ovat niin koskettavan kauniita. Lempilajikkeeni on yllä oleva ’Collarette White’, mutta paljon muitakin nättejä löytyy. Den lite dramatiska rubriken är bara jag som försöker uttrycka hur mycket jag tycker om…
A Future Sunset Part 1
A few things, among them Scott with the blog Rhone Street Gardens have been inspiring me during this summer and given me the idea to start a ”sunset” border next year. I have a spot that gets the evening sun, where some rather ugly black currants grow right now, that really is in need of a makeover. Besides getting the evening light the idea would be to use orange, apricot and red flowered plants, maybe even with a little yellow which I usually avoid like the plague. I already have a lot of plants that could move there next year: some Miscanthus ‘Malepartus’, M. ‘Morning Light’ and a Miscanthus that…
What Would the Hardcore Enthusiast Do? Part 2
There are easy ways of sowing and there are complicated ways of sowing, there are of course also easy complicated ways of sowing 😉 I wrote a bit about raising woody plants from seed in Part 1 of my slightly beyond normal gardening endeavors. Uncomplicated seeds germinate in something close to room temperature or a bit more within a week or two, but in addition to those kinds of seeds there are several ones that require a few tricks. Cold treatment is the most common one, but there are fire treatments, hormone treatments and all sorts of minor tricks. Cold treatment the easy way, sometimes I have been using the refrigerator, but then…