2014 – It’s on!
Hamamelis ‘Aphrodite’ is the first plant to flower in my garden this year! As long as the weather continues to be mild, the snowdrops will soon follow. I’m getting excited for the gardening year!
Getting into Indoor Gardening
It’s a difficult time of the year to be a gardener. It’s cold outside and there is still a long wait for spring. I’ve slowly been getting into indoor gardening again. I had some enthusiasm for it while I was still in gardening school, but the dark winters and my dry indoor air was never a good combination for it. These days I have more light in my home and I’ve worked a bit on my indoor environment. I still have some remodelling to do, but there are already a few new places for indoor plants. In the first picture there is a Chlorophytum and a Streptocarpus. This is a…
I’m Gardening on TV
I got a call yesterday and was asked to be on the Swedish speaking morning show Min Morgon. They were interested in current gardening tasks. It’s still very much winter here so it was either repotting, growing herbs indoors or starting plants from seed. I went with the two latter. I you are in Finland or use a VPN service like the ones my expat friends like you can see the show here until the 24th of February. I’m on at 14:40 minutes in and babble away for the next ten minutes. EDIT: You can’t see it anymore Minua pyydettiin eilen mukaan FST:n Min Morgon aamu-ohjelmaan. Heitä kiinnostivat ajankohtaiset puutarhatoimet.…
Photographing Snowdrops
The snowdrop season has not quite arrived here yet, but statistically it should be here soon. About a meter of snow still puts a damper on the snowdrops arrival. I have not kept an exact chronicle on their arrival each year but I can see from my picture folders that in 2005 I have the first pictures of snowdrops from March 26th, in 2006 they are from April 16th, in 2007 already on March 13th of, in 2008 March 10th(!) and in 2009 they flowered at least on the April 19th. Last year work kept me so busy that I did not get a chance to photograph them at all. Snowdrops…
An Honorable Picture
Yesss, I got an Honorable Mention in Gardening Gone Wild’s Picture Contest! The pictured I entered is the one above, but slightly cropped, the post is here. Congratulations to the others who placed and the winner!